Our Values (FRAGS)
The founders and artistes of KKMP have worked in the entertainment industry for over 30 years. Our core competency is to provide fun, enjoyment, and laughter. This means that many of the things we do are likely to be peculiar, funny, and provide our audiences and members with unique and memorable experiences.
Web3 projects are often untrustworthy and associated with rugpulls, hacks and scams, promising too much and delivering too little. We will build a brand that will last and benefit our members. We shall under promise and over deliver rather than over promise and under deliver.
The web3 blockchain industry is constantly evolving due to new developments. Every day and every month, the market and customers' expectations change quickly. We must stay up-to-date on industry developments so that we can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and new developments.
Giving Back
We believe in participating in charitable causes, giving back, and providing positive social value. One of the strongest use cases for the good that can result from adopting blockchain technology is to do philanthropy that is verifiable on-chain by any independent party.
Slowly but surely then steady
We are in the midst of building something that will last and is here to stay. The raison d’etre of our NFT is to benefit our members. We have a big vision for the future, but we don't want to over promise and deliver something we're not completely satisfied with.
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